Essential personnel and their families may be overwhelmed in many ways by COVID-19. Carrying for extremely ill patients, working with the general public, and worrying about the virus can lead to extremely high levels of stress that can impact your life and your health.

Negative thoughts can include

I am afraid I might get the virus.
I am afraid I have the virus.
I am alone or isolated.
I will have no money.
I did something wrong.
I should have known better.
I am helpless.
I am not in control.
It is my fault that I infected others/family/friends

These thoughts can lead to Negative Feelings like:
Anxiety, Helplessness, Panic, Fear, Anger, Isolation,
Guilt, Inadequacy, & Regret.

I am specially trained & ready to help you
decrease your level of stress & allow you
to return to your job feeling lighter. I have a
short term intervention protocols specific to the
stress, negative thoughts, & negative feelings
directly related to COVID-19 that can help
immediately. Once treated, you can take these
protocols home & use in the future on your own
or help your co-workers with them.

Services are provide via telehealth. For more information or an ap pointment call 540.818.2838 or email