Since taking the training for EMDR Standard Protocol in 2015, I have been impressed with the results of EMDR. How does EMDR work? How can I innovate the technique to achieve even better results for my clients? Can the technique be improved upon to make it faster? These are questions I have been thinking about for the past seven years. In order to further my learning and improve my technique, I read every book on neuroscience and advanced topics in EMDR including EMDR 2.0 that I could get my hands on. My version of EMDR is 9.5 times faster than Standard EMDR Protocol with adaptations to phases 2 - 7 of EMDR Standard Protocol as well as a reconceptualization of the theory. Most of my clients meet their goals in 3-5 one hour sessions. The average rate of decrease in symptoms is 82% using the Complex Trauma Inventory as a pre and post assessment. (Pending Publication).
9.5 times faster
than Standard EMDR Protocol
82% Symptom Reduction
Based on Pre and Post assessment of the Complex Trauma Inventory
Scarlett Williams
I enjoy providing clients with a wealth of resources for emotional and mental health. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor. I am an Advanced Topic Trainer, Approved Consultant, and Certified EMDR Therapist by the EMDR International Organization.
- Private Practice, Blacksburg, VA. (2017- Present).
- Valley Counseling Services, Private Practice, Radford VA. (2012-2017).
- School Counselor, Arlington Public Schools. Arlington, VA (2006-2012).
- School Counselor, Prince Williams County Public Schools. (2002-2006)
- Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Virginia
- EMDRIA Approved Consultant (2021)
- EMRIA Certified EMDR Practitioner (2016)
- National Board Certified Teacher- School Counseling (2007-2017)
Additional Professional Experience
- Outdoor Science Educator, Southern California
- Earth Science Teacher, Gallup, NM
- Camp Medic, Rising Sun International Girl’s Camp, NY
- Peace Corps Volunteer, Chad, Central Africa
- George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
- Radford University, Radford, Virginia
- St John’s College, Santa Fe, New Mexico